Professional supervision is available for MBSR teachers and other health and education professionals who are seeking reflective and restorative support in their work.
The following definition frames my approach:
Professional supervision is a regular, safe and co-created restorative space that is held within the container of mindfulness and reflective practice. This confidential space is contracted between supervisor and supervisee. The supervisor intends to embody a compassionate presence and through mutual inquiry, fosters a process that enables reflection on the supervisee’s professional practice. This process balances the supportive, educative and ethical dimensions of work and is dedicated to deepening the growth, understanding, integrity, safety and effectiveness of the personal and professional life of the supervisee, in service of those with whom they work.
Supervision in individual and group contexts are available on request.
Morning and 2-Day Masterclass workshops are also offered to support continued professional development in mindfulness teaching.
Select the button to learn more detail on each format and dates available.