
About Supervision

Professional supervision is available for MBSR teachers and other health and education professionals who are seeking reflective and restorative support in their work.

The following definition frames my approach:

Professional supervision is a regular, safe and co-created restorative space that is held within the container of mindfulness and reflective practice. This confidential space is contracted between supervisor and supervisee. The supervisor intends to embody a compassionate presence and through mutual inquiry, fosters a process that enables reflection on the supervisee’s professional practice. This process balances the supportive, educative and ethical dimensions of work and is dedicated to deepening the growth, understanding, integrity, safety and effectiveness of the personal and professional life of the supervisee, in service of those with whom they work.

Supervision in individual and group contexts are available on request.

Morning and 2-Day Masterclass workshops are also offered to support continued professional development in mindfulness teaching.

Select the button to learn more detail on each format and dates available.

How Supervision Supports

Engaging in regular mindfulness-based supervision is recommended best practice for MBSR/Mindfulness teachers. Moving beyond the instructional or evaluative dimension of supervision, reflective and restorative supervision offers professionals who are skilled in their field, a safe space to reflect on their work with a peer in the field and continue to deepen their professional learning and impact.

Mindfulness can help professionals nourish their therapeutic presence, compassion and empathy in ways that enrich our work and reduce the potential for burnout or compassion-fatigue.  

Training & Experience

In my clinical and educational psychology practice, I completed supervisor training with leaders in a variety of professional approaches to supervision, including functional, developmental, reflective learning, experiential, inquiry-style and process-oriented frameworks. In recent years, I completed Mindfulness Supervisor Training with The Mindfulness Network/Bangor University in the UK and adopt a mindfulness-based supervision framework in my supervision work. I also receive supervision on my work as a supervisor.

A range of models of supervision ground the practice of my supervision and at its heart are core components of a framework for mindfulness-based supervision.  The models drawn on include the functional model of Inskipp & Proctor (1993; 1995), the therapeutic alliance model of Bordin (1979),  the developmental model of Stoltenberg & Delworth (1987), the reflective learning model of Davys & Beddoe (2010), Kolb’s (1984) experiential learning model and finally, the Mindfulness-Based Supervision model of Cooper et al (2018) and Evans et al (2018).   

Fundamentally, an inquiry-led approach is adopted to facilitate the supervisee in reflection, understanding and development. Supervision allows the creation of space to facilitate reflection and connection with the present moment, bringing the there and then into the here and now and may also look ahead to the future. The supervisor may inquire into what the supervisee noticed then, now, how they are making sense of it in the moment and how they may take this learning forward in service of those with whom they work. 


Supervision is an amazing journey, along with the teaching itself, for which I’m very grateful and highly recommend as an important support when teaching MBSR. Each supervision session is an eye opening experience, filled with subtle nuances of the teaching aspects. And Sheena does it in a very emerging and magical way, patient with the knowledge that needs to pop-up, stimulating by genuine inquiry into my experience in teaching previous sessions but also in forthcoming sessions. I’m amazed how supervision starts even before we speak about the content. I always feel very prepared, calm, grounded and curious about the next sessions as I have her support in inputs, questions, mirroring and authentic interest in my work. It’s also about the teachers’ parallel process, and Sheena knows very well how to focus curiosity to yourself as a teacher, beside the content that you are delivering. I cannot imagine a better accompanying!

JuditMBSR Supervision

Thanks you Sheena for your empathetically and non judging way of taking out the best from me ! You teach me to listen and speak from the heart, I feel more compassionate and able to make the right choices.

Gabriella(MBSR Supervision)

I found the combination of individual and group supervision very helpful and supportive, partly because I could also ask "technical" questions that only someone with teaching experience can answer. Of course, these questions were only a minor part of the overall experience - in groups I appreciated the deepening of the practice and individual sessions were more about my own stuff.

Hanka(MBSR Supervision)

Sheena is so wonderfully skilled in facilitating supervison sessions. She embodies mindfulness and our monthly sessions are incredibly supportive. Sheena asks the right questions at the right times which contributes to clarity and calmness of the mind. Her approach to supervision continuously highlights the importance of self-care, groundedness and curiousity, all of which are so important when working as a health care professional.

ElainePsychology Supervision

Sheena creates a save space in both group and individual supervision sessions in the same authentic, inspiring and warm way she does in her MBSR courses and trainings. Sheena's combined supervision packages are guided in a professional, mindful and contemporary way and will accompany me, as an essential element, on my pathway.

AnnaCombined Group & Individual

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