About Me

About Sheena

My name is Sheena Burke and I have been practising mindfulness and psychology for more than 25 years. My first doorway into mindfulness was through the practice of mindful movement yoga. There I was invited to connect with the breath and body and as I experienced a breather from the constant chattering, driven-doing mind, I found myself landing in the present moment. Later, during a particularly stressful time in my life over a decade ago, I was re-introduced to Jon Kabat Zinn’s MBSR programme through his book, Full Catastrophe Living. A revelation! As a psychologist, how had I not ‘discovered’ this in my working life?

My mind was opened to the truly practical and simple yet deeply transformational, revealing and empowering path of mindfulness. The unexpected reveal was a reconnection with joy and a simple pathway that helped to heal old wounds, let go of future fears and remember stability and steadiness in this ever-unfolding and changing world. The practices and teachings have helped me to take charge of my mind, reconnect with my heart and discover a fulfilling life, ready for growth and open to learning and living in kind and forgiving ways. The science and evidence-base for mindfulness was growing and deepening too.

About Discovering Mindfulness

My name is Sheena Burke and I have been practising mindfulness in some shape or form for about 25 years. Initially this was through the practice of mindful movement yoga.  There I was invited to connect with the breath and body and as I experienced a breather from the constant chattering, driven-doing mind, I found myself landing in the present moment. Later, during a particularly stressful time in my life  over a decade ago, I was re-introduced to Jon Kabat Zinn’s MBSR programme through his book, Full Catastrophe Living. A revelation! My mind was opened to the truly practical and simple yet deeply transformational, revealing and empowering path of mindfulness. 

The unexpected reveal was a reconnection with joy and a simple pathway that helped to heal old wounds, let go of future fears and remember stability and steadiness in this ever-unfolding and changing world. The practices and teachings have helped me to take charge of my mind, reconnect with my heart and discover a fulfilling life, ready for growth and open to learning and living in kind and forgiving ways. I established Discovering Mindfulness in 2014 as a way of sharing and exploring with others the gift of mindfulness that I continue to discover everyday.

I established Discovering Mindfulness in 2014 as a way of sharing and exploring with others the gift of mindfulness that I continue to discover everyday. With more than 25 years experience working in public and private health and education sectors, now I specialise in connecting others with everyday mindfulness practices and teachings. I enjoy encouraging the integration of mindfulness in personally meaningful ways that lead to enriched, confident and fulfilled living. I’m living in the heart of Ireland, when I’m not wandering the woods, roads and retreats of Europe.

Professional Qualifications


  • Chartered Clinical Psychologist with the Psychological Society of Ireland
  • Professional and Doctoral qualifications in Clinical and Educational Psychology
  • 25+ years professional practice experience in public and private health and education settings
  • Therapeutic Approaches include mindfulness-based CBT, ACT, EMDR, psychodyamic, person-centred, humanistic.

Supervision/Advanced Training 

  • Mindfulness-Based Supervision. Advanced training in mindfulness-based supervision with the Mindfulness Network UK 
  • Train the Trainer (for Training MBSR Teachers) with Mindful Academy Solterreno
  • Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness Teaching with David Treleaven
  • MBI-TAC (Mindfulness-Based Interventions, Teaching & Learning Criteria) Levels 1 and 2 with Mindfulness Network, UK.
  • Dialogue & Inquiry in MBSR and other MBP Classrooms with Saki Santorelli
  • Teaching MBSR Online with Ted Meissner and Oxford Mindfulness Centre
  • Council Circle with the Center for Council 

Dr. Sheena Burke is a Chartered Clinical Psychologist and Certified MBSR Teacher, Trainer (Assessment & Supervision) and Mindful Outdoor Guide

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